Rules and Guidelines

Between the law relating to the management of the River:

  1. The Constitution state assemblymen, 1957
  2. Act tasks the Minister, 1969
  3. The national land code 1965
  4. Water Act, 1920
  5. Irrigation Area Act, 1953
  6. Drainage Area Act, 1954
  7. Land Conservation Act, 1960
  8. The land acquisition Act, 1960
  9. The environmental quality Act, 1974
  10. National Forestry Act, 1984
  11. Local Government Act, 1976
  12. Town and country planning Act, 1976
  13. Road drainage and building Act, 1974
  14. Fisheries Act, 1985
  15. Enactment of water (Amendment) regulations, 2009
  16. The State Mineral enactment, 2006
  17. The Enactment Of The Control Of Pig Farming State Of Perak
  18. National Water Services Commission Act, 2006
  • Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, 30000 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
  • 605-209 5000
  • 605-254 0290
  • jpspk[at]perak[dot]gov[dot]my

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