Inflatable Rubber Dam of Kinta River, Ipoh

This project is located in Kinta River between Bridge Street Lim Boo Seng and Jalan Sultan Idris bridge in Ipoh city. The construction of "inflatable rubber dam" this is as a control structure policies and at the same time raising the water level of the Kinta River as high as 2 meters. The construction of this structure which is controlled automatically can control the water level in order to enhance the potential of water recreation at the Kinta River. The construction of the "rubber dam" will also improve environment in the city and add another location for recreation to the citizens of Ipoh.

Contract cost: RM 3,825,208.00 (Actual RM3, 838, 295.42)
No. Project: JPS/c/PK/SG/3/2009
Contractor: Solid Hope Enterprise
Start date: 16.7.2009
Date of completion: 21.4.2010 (Actual 20.7.2010)

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  • Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, 30000 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
  • 605-209 5000
  • 605-254 0290
  • jpspk[at]perak[dot]gov[dot]my

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