On 25 October 2010 Committee meetings Per State Per River was held at the Department of irrigation and Drainage Perak, Ipoh. The meeting was chaired by Y.B. Dato ' Dr Mah Hang Soon, EXCO Health, local government, Consumer Affairs, environment, transport and the Affairs of the non-Muslim state of Perak. The Committee is A State of A River of Perak Perak diurusetiakan by JPS and comprises the Department of environment, the Office of the Director of lands and mines, Kinta district and land Office, Ipoh City Council, the State Planning Unit (UPEN), Department of Agriculture and Veterina Service. Among the matters discussed were issues related to efforts to revive the Kinta River in accordance with the objectives of the programme A One State that is to improve the quality of River water to class II by 2015 , to make the river and its environment as a natural recreation area and ensure the river free from flooding and debris. At the meeting, Y.B. Dato ' Dr Mah Hang Soon has requested a special meeting with the industry in the Kinta River catchment held to explain A Program State A River and get their co-operation in the recovery efforts of the Kinta River. After the meeting finished a press conference was held.
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