Jps Joint session @ community District Profiles and GIS Officers (23 November 2010)

On 23 March 2011 div River DRAINAGE Perak held a Session of the joint task force did reshape the community District Profiles and GIS from JPS offices throughout the State of Perak District. This session is conducted by Mr. Abdul Khadir bin Abd Aziz and Mr. Muhamad Azian bin 60 in meeting room 5th floor, DID the State of Perak, Ipoh.

This time the session made for discuss and enhance the profile of the Report provided by the District offices district engineer so as to meet the criteria and format provided by the Secretariat did reshape the community. This session also discuss and share information, use and processing of data in geographic information system (GIS).

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  • 605-209 5000
  • 605-254 0290
  • jpspk[at]perak[dot]gov[dot]my

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