The briefing did @ community for technicians & Assistant Engineer (26. Jan 2011)

These briefings were held at 26.01.2011 meeting level 5 DID the Headquarters State of Perak, Ipoh, by the River DID the State attended a total of 22 officers DID from 10 districts. These briefings delivered by River Division Senior Assistant Director, Mr. Abd. Khadir bin Abd Aziz and is assisted by a number of officers from the Part of the river. The main purpose of the briefing is to provide understanding to the officers at JPS District about the objectives of the community, the role of kup did officer DID in the district, the data/information and did NT community portal. In addition, this briefing describes the types of data/information needed to included in the portal did reshape the community on an ongoing basis from time to time.

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  • 605-209 5000
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  • jpspk[at]perak[dot]gov[dot]my

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