Launch of BioDcity @ MeruRaya (6 Jan. 2011)

Kup MeruRaya BioDcity launching ceremony was held at the site of the development of the city of Meru Raya organised by the Perak State Development Corporation (PKNP) and Perak Corporation Berhad (MTD). The ceremony was officiated by the Chief Minister of Perak, namely Y.A.B. Dato ' Seri Dr. Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir on 06 January 2011. Also present at the launching ceremony of the Executive Council are members of the State Government, investors in BioDcity kup MeruRaya, government officials and federal and State levels.

At this event, Dr. Zambry has seen Council document exchange memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Perak State Development Corporation (PKNP) with six (6) the parties involved in the project and one of them is the Department of irrigation and Drainage Perak (JPSNP). At the ceremony, Department of irrigation and drainage Perak also jointly organised a booth exhibition related roles and terms of reference DID.

The project is a development project developed by the Perak State Development Corporation (PKNP) taking into account biodiversity who are implementing eco-friendly features. This is in line with efforts to promote the development and the DRAINAGE efforts the preservation of natural resources and the environment.

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  • Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, 30000 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
  • 605-209 5000
  • 605-254 0290
  • jpspk[at]perak[dot]gov[dot]my

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