Last Updated: 03 March 2025.
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The Role

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Mechanical and Electrical Services (BPME) is a section under JPS Perak which play an important role in the performance of its functions and determine the success of the department. BPME dedicated and responsible to perform the work in the field of mechanical and electrical engineering. The services concerned are as follows:

(i) Planning, design, procurement, monitoring the progress of all systems and equipment of M & E department.

(ii) Installation, maintenance, upgrading and technical advice on all M & E systems and equipment.

(iii) To help manage the assets of M & E department.

Among the core services are the maintenance, development and maintenance of the Water Gate, Water Pumps, Automation System and SCADA, machinery and plant management, energy efficiency and electrical as well as occupational safety and health management.


To provide consultancy and management services Mechanical and Electrical professional and high quality towards customer satisfaction, good engineering practices and compatible with the environment. Among these are:

  1. Manage the operation and maintenance of plant and equipment mechanical and electrical systems for effective monitoring and control of efficient and accurate performance.
  2. Provides research and development of mechanical and electrical engineering towards new technologies to maximize results.
  3. Creating an efficient interaction and provide professional technical advice to clients on system mechanical and electrical equipment in the plants concerned.
  4. The development of the latest information on plant management and mechanical and electrical equipment to meet the needs of the department.
  5. Coordinate and integrate technical and Mechanical & Electrical work and coordinate work with JPS District management and other agencies.
  6. Enhancing and developing human resources competent and capable of performing the work well and effectively.
  7. Acquisition and Disposal of Mechanical and Electrical Assets as per requirement and conditions.


i) Acquisition of machinery and mechanical equipment as appropriate, as required by the Department from time to time.

ii) Improvement and maintenance of mechanical equipment and machinery department (automobiles, machinery, pumps including still pumps and moving pumps).

iii) Design and / or build, commissioning, testing and repair of all water doors and its components under the JPS scheme.

iv) Design, commissioning, testing and repair of all pumps and pump components in the JPS scheme.

v) Design, commissioning, testing and later take care of all the mechanical devices used by the Department.

vi) To deal with all the items selected mechanical engineering.

vii) The training program and the construction of knowledge and skill in managing and maintaining the department of mechanical items.

viii) Conduct research and development in order to improve and modernize the department of mechanical engineering input to maintain effectiveness in meeting the needs of the department.

Duties And Responsibilities

  1. Plan, manage, control, monitor and update the work of operation and maintenance of Mechanical & Electrical Section at JPS.
  2. Planning, designing and overseeing the implementation of development projects.
  3. Planning, organizing, coordinating, updating and monitoring of expenditures and development provisions of the Operating Budget and provide monthly reports / annual development work and management and other related.


Provide expert advice on the activities of Mechanical & Electrical.

  • Review and upgrade the pump house in the existing control gate automation systems.
  • Implementing the Maintenance Schedule to ensure that M & E equipment is operating in good condition.
  • Oversight and perform technical auditing for M & E projects conducted by JPS Perak.
  • Cooperation programs with BPM Ipoh Pump Test Center to implement Performance Test on the existing pump house owned by JPS Perak.
  • Provide a review of the design of the gate in accordance with the present environmental conditions using new materials and methods.

Provide Consulting and Management Services for M & E projects related to JPS Perak.

  • Provide guidelines and manuals and other documents as Terms of Reference for M & E projects.
  • Provide comments on the draft document for M & E works in accordance with the requirements of the clients.