Last Updated: 15 July 2024.
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One Country One River

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Development is certainly needed but the preservation of the environment should not be ignored so that the river functions are not affected. An oversight in the aspects of preservation of the environment, in particular the river not only cause floods but also result in water resources of the country affected by the deterioration of the water quality of the river. One State A River program is a program which was launched in 2005 to restore the rivers selected in each State in accordance with the intention to make the River clean, alive and vibrant rivers.. For the State of Perak River selected for One Program Per State was River Kinta River.

The objective of the Program is A State of A River are:-

  • Memulihkani river water quality to class II (perfect for a touch of body) by 2015
  • Enjoy the river and its environment as a natural recreation area.
  • Ensure that the river free from the problem of debris.

Strategies for the implementation of this programme is to strengthen the management of using holistic approaches through Management, prevention and rehabilitation in accordance with the concept of IRBM that fosters the involvement of various stakeholders. The implementation of 1N1S is actually a mini IRBM as one of the early pioneer efforts, towards the implementation of IRBM completely.

River Ecosystem and Development issues

Exploration and land development has changed the land use. Land use changes such as this cannot be avoided, to meet the various needs of the economy, public facilities and infrastructure. However that is worrying development is the increase usually associated with deterioration of the ecosystem of the River as a result affect the water quality of the river. Between the effects of development impact the ecosystem of the River are:-

  • Development and exploration of the land less taking into account the preservation of the environment
  • Rubbish thrown everywhere
  • Pesticides/chemicals from agricultural and industrial effluent and sewage which is not treated properly
  • Slaughter waste and feces of livestock
  • Waste oils from vehicles workshops
  • Wastes from wet markets, restaurants and stalls packed
  • Invasion of river reserve with a variety of activities that pollute
  • Mining activities which do not emphasise the aspects of silt and erosion control
  • Development and exploration of the land menghimpit and the natural environment of the river dissipates
